eye & Face protection
- EN 166 Personal eye protection
- EN 170 Ultraviolet filters
- EN 171 Infrared filters
- EN 172 Sunglare filters for industrial use
- EN 175 Welding masks
- EN 207 Filters and eye protectors against laser radiation
- EN 1731 Wire mesh visors
- EN 14458 Visors for high-performance helmets
- EN ISO 16321-1 Eye and face protection for occupational use
- EN ISO 16321-2 Additional Requirements for protectors used during welding and related
- EN ISO 16321-3 Additional Requirements for mesh protectors
- Optical Tests: tests for the field of vision, transmission and diffusion, and refractive properties
- Non-optical tests: including robustness and resistance to heat, ignition and corrosion.